Saturday, April 24, 2010

recipe creation

this week seem to have flown by. i can't believe it's saturday already. so much has happened since chocolate day. it's been a very interesting and totally enjoyable experience though. i think i'm learning so much more here than i did at LL, for one i feel a lot more confident about preparing the recipes by myself.

midweek came and we were given instructions on creating our own recipes. what started as a very daunting task, which is to create our own breakfast and lunch item for the group to try. everyone were very excited and enthusiastic to do something. it's a very creative bunch of people in my class and we had so much fun!

i decided to have a singaporean theme to my recipe creation. i think the challenge of translating a raw healthy vegan method to the typically unhealthy fat laden favourites of every singaporean like char kway teow (friend noodles), chai tow kuay (carrot cake) and laksa makes it seem like an almost impossible task! well, i decided to take on the challenge to recreate a singaporean carrot cake recipe for a raw carrot cake recipe for my breakfast recipe, and for my lunch recipe, i decided to work on a raw laksa.

the original singapore carrot cake looks like this, the traditional style...

and this is my raw creation... no greasy lard, no eggs. it actually taste alright! i even managed to make a pickled "chye por" radish which taste very yummy!

and then the singaporean laksa...

this is quite a challenging task. laksa is one of my favourite comfort food from home and i like it pipping hot. i don't have eggs and chicken with it though since i am more geared towards a vegan diet.

so i decided instead of the eggs, chicken, bean curd, cockles and prawns that you will find in a typical laksa dish, i am making a raw vegan version with mung bean sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower, what you would find in a vegetarian curry i guess and i also introduced pineapple (stolen from the penang laksa version!)

and this is what i got....

the taster portions for my course mates and instructors...

everyone seem to like the raw versions, so i think i did ok :-)

have a great weekend!

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