Sunday, September 6, 2009

the story about knives

today was knives class. each time i'm at the department store and see the wide range of knives, i've always wondered why is there such a range. of course i never did make any effort to find out! well, it finally happened... knives class today, and its actually knive 101 & 102, that's the name of the class.

class was tiring today, we had to stand for half a day! we learnt how to dice, chiffonade, make julienne cuts. julienne cuts sound so nice, its just basically making strips like french fries! we started off cutting kale (our equivalent of kai lan but its so different from our version!) shredding it to make a think slices to make a salad. then we did different variations of carrots which was quite interesting.... says me who doesnt even slice an apple at home! then came the onions, which really made me tear.

in the afternoon knives 102 session, was a lecture instead of hands-on. interesting though. we learnt how to cut and present various vegetables, like how the avocado and mangoes looked so yummy when the instructor was finished with it! i even learnt the elegant way to open a coconut, if that is possible :-)

serious lessons start tomorrow... my path to becoming a raw food chef! so be nice, you might just get to try my gourmet raw cuisine!

goto go study now, prep for class tomorrow.... go raw, be healthy!

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